man looking at the stock charts on the phone and tablet

Money Matters Part 4: Teaching Teens about Investing in the Future

Welcome to the final installment of our series on teaching personal finance to teenagers!

Money Matters Part 4

Saving and Investing

Over the past three weeks, we’ve covered teen money 101, budgeting basics, smart spending, and the importance of differentiating between needs and wants.

This week, we’re wrapping up our series by focusing on the power of saving and investing. In this article, we’ll show you how to teach your teens to save for the future and lay the groundwork for financial success.

Saving and investing are essential components of effective money management, and they’re key to building long-term wealth and financial security.

By teaching our teens the importance of saving and investing early on:

  • We can empower them to take control of their financial futures and achieve their goals.
  • We must emphasize the value of setting goals and saving consistently over time.
  • Encourage them to set short-term, medium-term, and long-term savings goals, such as saving for a new gadget, a car, or college tuition.
  • Help them create a savings plan that aligns with their goals and priorities
  • Provide guidance and support as they work towards achieving them.

In addition to saving, investing is another important aspect of financial management that teens should learn about.

Investing involves putting money into assets such as stocks, bonds, or real estate with the expectation of generating a return over time.

While investing may seem intimidating at first, it’s important for teens to understand the potential benefits of investing, such as building wealth, beating inflation, and achieving financial independence.

Engagement Tip: Open a savings account for your teen and encourage them to deposit a portion of their allowance or earnings each month. Track their progress together and celebrate milestones along the way, such as reaching a savings goal or making their first investment. By making saving and investing tangible and rewarding, you’ll instill a lifelong habit of financial responsibility and stewardship in your teen.


Teaching teens the power of saving and investing is a valuable gift that will serve them well throughout their lives.

By empowering them to set goals, save consistently, and invest wisely, we can help them build a solid financial foundation and achieve their dreams.

As they embark on their financial journey, remember to:

  • provide ongoing guidance and support
  • encourage them to continue learning and growing in their knowledge of personal finance

Together, we can empower the next generation to thrive in an ever-changing financial landscape.

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