
Welcome to the Moski resources page!

Here, you’ll find a variety of downloadable Moski resources to help you:

  • enhance your child’s financial literacy
  • develop your child’s money management skills
  • achieve your family’s financial goals

Explore the Moski resources below to access valuable tools, worksheets, and guides.

The Investor Book

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Financial Interests
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Helping you understand your comfort level with investment risk is necessary for building a personalized investment strategy.

This tool aims to assess your risk tolerance and guide you towards investment choices aligned with your preferences.


Guiding you through the process of planning and saving for your child’s future financial needs, from college to retirement.

This tool helps you set realistic goals, determine the necessary savings, and choose appropriate investment strategies.

financial literacy book cover

Financial Literacy for Kids

As a parent you stand the chance to set your child on the right path financially by showing them how to use money wisely.

This calls for you to become their role model because they observe you being financially responsible and see the positive impact it brings to your family’s lifestyle.

This way you build a positive influence on their money habits for years to come. It is important to teach your child about money through practical ways that put them in the driver’s seat in terms of prudent financial management.